A Festive Day of Community and Cheer

Celebrate the Season at Sirens & Sleigh Bells

Join POSA in Bringing Holiday Joy to Scottsdale's Youth

An Uplifting Experience

At the Sirens & Sleigh Bells event, hosted by the Police Officers of Scottsdale Association (POSA), joy and community spirit are palpable as officers and children come together in a festive setting. This annual event not only provides at-risk youth with the opportunity to receive holiday gifts but also fosters meaningful connections with law enforcement officers, promoting understanding and trust within the community.

Throughout the day, the atmosphere is filled with laughter and cheerful chatter as children select gifts and share their holiday wishes with their officer-partners. These interactions are crucial, as they help to break down barriers and build lasting bonds between the community's youth and its protectors, setting a positive tone for the future.

What Your Support Achieves

  • New Beginnings

    Help a child walk into their classroom with confidence in new shoes.

  • Comprehensive Support

    Beyond footwear, students receive backpacks filled with school supplies, clothing essentials, nutritional support, and health screenings.

  • Long-term Impact

    Empower children for academic success and social confidence.


Join Our Mission

Support from the community is crucial for the success of Sirens & Sleigh Bells. Whether you want to volunteer, donate, or simply spread the word, your participation is invaluable. Here’s how you can help:

  • Volunteer: Join us as a volunteer on the event day or assist in the preparations.
  • Donate: Contributions of any size help ensure each child can enjoy a fulfilling shopping experience.
  • Sponsor: Businesses and individuals can sponsor the event, helping to cover costs and expand the number of participants.
Police Officers of Scottsdale Association